Thursday, September 10, 2015

Run, Walk or Volunteer - Challenge Aging 5k @ Andover, MN, Sunday, Sept 27

Walk, run or actively volunteer for the 9th Annual Challenge Aging 5k Event, Sunday, September 27, at Bunker Hills Regional Park, Andover, MN, 9 AM Start.

For more information including online registration option go to

The Challenge Aging 5k will serve again as the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) MN State 5k Championship! At the event page you will find details about the eight championship medals that will be earned by four different age divisions, other important event news, and articles about successful aging with exercise.

We'll Party in the Park with amazing athletes of all ages leading the way into advancing ages!

We'll celebrate:
1. A unique “Celebrating Strength and Successful Aging” Theme.
2. The inspiration of running and walking with truly remarkable and inspiring “Well-Aged Athletes” demonstrating The Power of RxExercise to improve lives throughout all our years.
3. Unique Bib Numbers Assignment: Bib #s will be going in inverse order of pre-registered athletes’ ages. (So far, #1 will be worn by a man age 81!)

4. Earning a one-of-a-kind-in-America road racing “Challenge Aging 5k” commemorative t-shirt.
5. USATF Certified 5k course race results according to complete USATF divisions. 
6. Motivational Challenge Aging theme music and announcer
7. Enthusiastic CC Race Event Workers (CCREW) volunteers. NOTE: Whenever you may not be racing, please join our Rewarding CCREW volunteers. RSVP with me by e-mail or phone to join our happy CCREW.
8. Photography and unique post-race online “Miles of Smiles” slideshow.
9. Convenient, free parking; indoor restrooms, registration, post-race party, healthful, tasty refreshments in park's lovely Activities Center next to start/finish line. Indoor party also has big-screen slideshow/music.
10. Stay after race at park to continue your own family/friends picnic in lovely Activities Center gardens.

Why “Challenge Aging”?
The BAD NEWS: Because advancing age beyond age 35 is highly related to increasing adverse risks to health and happiness of “Usual Aging”.

“Usual Aging”, according to gerontologists, involves a variety of serious challenges to health and happiness and even good relationships.
“Usual Aging” is how most people age...badly and sadly.

The GOOD NEWS: Alternatively, we each can choose to actively pursue what gerontologists call “Successful Aging”.
There are a variety of personal habits that contribute to successful aging. But, one habit is paramount: Exercise.

Strength through exercise is the major variable in “Successful Aging”.

Note: “Real Aging” for physically fit & athletic individuals after age 40 is slowed to ¼ the rate of “Usual Aging” effects in sedentary individuals.

Active athletes are really younger than their chronological years and tend to be happier-healthier than sedentary individuals.

Exercise is a big part of why, for example, my own “Real Age” is 53, ten years younger than my chronological age of 63.
How would you like to be ten, or twenty, years younger than your advancing chronological age?

Go to visit CC’s Challenge Aging 5k page  and find links to online programs that allow you to estimate your real age, and then come Saturday to celebrate your youthfulness through your RxExercise.

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