You’re invited to run, walk or volunteer at Charities Challenge 9th Annual St Patrick’s Irish Traditions 5k experience Sunday, March 19, around the Claddagh Irish Pub & Restaurant in Maple, Grove MN; start time 9 AM.
Pre-register early for lowest entry fee
Pre-register early for lowest entry fee
300 limited pre-registration entries. PRE_REGISTER SOON! Don't miss out on the happiest Irish-honoring road race and post-race party.
The St Patrick Irish Traditions 5k theme is “Celebrating Active Friendship-Love-Loyalty” the 3 traditions of the Irish Claddagh ring.
Enjoy all the following values:
1. Complimentary post-race Irish Breakfast, beer, hot and cold light beverages, live Irish music, inside Claddagh Irish Pub & Restaurant near the start/finish line.
2. Colorful, classy commemorative St Patrick’s Irish Traditions 5k shirt.
3. Happy Irish holiday music & announcer.
3. Professional timing/scoring
5. Fabulous online photos slideshow with free digital photos for (Join Charities Challenge at Facebook, too!)
6. Irish Traditions welcoming hospitality by CC Race Event Workers (CCREW) volunteers (join our rewarding CCREW anytime).
7. Be Lucky! Join CC’s RxExercise Ambassador Team & Travel, CC Team-expenses-paid, to Dublin, Ireland in August to run or walk the Annual Rock 'n' Roll Dublin Half Marathon
Irish style holiday colors and costumes encouraged! And personally motivating messages on a wearable sign are also encouraged. Imagine running or walking with a friend who’s wearing a sign displaying a personally inspiring message, “Active Loyal/Loving/Friend to ______________________”, and your name is there for all to see.
Imagine how a special friend will be encouraged to take better care of their happiness & health with their own RxExercise when they see you displaying your motivational sign that keeps you running and staying strong. Yes! Active Friendship-Love-Loyalty motivates motion as well as e-motion!
So show your Active Friendship-Love-Loyalty as you share your running & walking together at the St Pat’s Irish Traditions 5k.
More CC Race Event Workers (CCREW) volunteers are always welcome to join us in delivering another special Holiday Run Event. RSVP with CC Coach Gary Westlund at or call 612-245-9160 if you want to join our Rewarding CCREW. You’ll also earn super CCREWARDs for volunteering, including credits toward travel with an RxExercise Ambassador Team to Great Destinations like Dublin, Ireland!